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Google AdWords Keyword Guide

Google Adwords Keyword Guide

 In our Google AdWords Keyword Guide article, we have provided different information when choosing the keywords to use in the Google Advertising campaign.

 After reading this article, you will be important to a keyword plan remover specific to your Google ad work. Let's see, you can ask from the curiosity or the comments section you think we missed in the content of our article.

 Your website, for which you do not do any special search engine optimization (SEO) work related to your service or product, will not appear in the top positions in searches.

 If different companies that provide promised products or services are verbal and these companies work in this area, or you have no chance. One method you can use to solve this problem is the Google Advertising study.

In this study, keyword research and preferences are vital.

 Whave prepared a comprehensive guide on this subject for you. Google basically looks at 3 factors when ranking ad results: First of all, let's give information about the main logic of Google Advertising work.

 Google sorts the ad results according to what criteria;

 1- Your keyword choices

 2- The amount of click fee you set per keyword

 3- Whether the content on your landing page is consistent with the advertisement

 4- Your page is reliable, secure (SSL, redirected page etc.) and fast Your ad quality score must be high in order to rank high in ad rankings and rise. At this point, the compliance of the keywords you advertise with the criteria mentioned above is critical. You may think you're doing everything right, but there may be points you might have overlooked.

"Keywords" comes first. Google provides us with a myriad of data for us to access and analyze.

 You have the opportunity to reach the behaviors, trends of millions of people in the digital field, trend topics and headlines of searches in a short time. 

The types of data you can access with Google tools; In which regions do people search for what services and products and how often? What search words do people search for products or services? Your competitors are willing to pay the highest amount of TL for the keywords you plan to use in these ads.

 The answers you will find specifically for yourself by processing this data; Average monthly amount you will spend on advertising In which regions you should show the ad mainly Keywords you should or shouldn't use in your ad Matching formats of keywords you should use in the ad Keywords you must use in your ad text or extensions

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