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How To Google Ads Seo

 How is SEO work done? The answer to the question may take many hours and days. SEO stands for Search engine optimization. SEO work done on search engines consisting of approximately 250 criteria goes through a long process. The effects of these criteria on the ranking are different.

You can do SEO work individually, but with professional help, you will be able to handle these criteria in a shorter time. I will explain how professional and word-based SEO work is done in 2 stages. These stages are; It consists of on-site optimization and off-site optimization. In order to be successful in the information we will explain below, your site must comply with these rules.

Professional SEO Analysis

 Before starting SEO work, your site should be analyzed correctly. Do not forget to test the selection and analysis of competitors, sectors and keywords, the compatibility of your site, and the analysis of external links (Backlink). What should you look for when doing professional SEO analysis

How is On-Site Optimization Done?

 In-site optimization covers the part of the site that users and search engine bots will see. In order to get maximum efficiency in your in-site optimization work, the infrastructure of your site should be suitable for these requests.


 Your site is easy to get indexed, but has a complex operating system. I want to explain how your site will be indexed. There are pinging sites that do the index process for paid and free. However, the most accurate indexing method is natural. most used search engine Google search engine in Turkey, the tool Webmaster Tools "Fetch as Google" feature, you can ensure that your site or pages are indexed. If you regularly enter content, you can get Google bots to come to your site regularly by making Fetch for a week. As long as you enter content regularly and do not have a server-based problem, your pages will be indexed regularly.

In the past, the importance of the label was too much. Overused tags are now a problem for the site. For this reason, be careful not to use more than 2 - 3 labels. The tags you use will increase your index number in search engines. If you have 404 pages indexed in search engines, you should identify them and report them. Incorrect pages reduce the value of your site and cause you to lose visitors.

robots.txt file must be loaded in order for your site to be crawled accurately and quickly. Thanks to the robots.txt file, you can tell search engine bots which pages of your site you want or do not want indexed. You can find out if there is a robots.txt file on your site by typing domain.com/robots.txt. The presence of this file indicates that you are search engine friendly.

 Domain is the most important element of your site and company. Domain is one of the big factors, especially if you are going to do word-based SEO work. For example; You want to be on the first page of the words alaçatı hotel, alaçatı hotels, alaçatı hotels. If your domain address is alacatiotelleri.com, you will get a great advantage. Search engines like short domains more. You can make your site more reliable in the eyes of search engines by purchasing SSL for your domain address.

 Determine the main keywords of your site or company site and create your content in a way that does not go beyond these keywords. The density of keywords in your content helps search engines understand what topic your site is about. Keyword density should be between 4% and 5% depending on the content length.

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